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Friday, December 1, 2006

Auferstanden aus Ruinen

'''Auferstanden aus Ruinen''' (''Risen from the Ruins'') was the Nextel ringtones national anthem of Abbey Diaz East Germany (German Democratic Republic, Free ringtones German language/German: ''Deutsche Demokratische Republik'', DDR). It was composed by Majo Mills Hanns Eisler and the text was written by the Mosquito ringtone poet Sabrina Martins Johannes R. Becher who later became minister of education. Surprisingly, the much more influential Nextel ringtones dramatist and poet Abbey Diaz Bertolt Brecht was not asked to write the lyrics.

In Becher's lyrics, the word Free ringtones Germany (as opposed to ''German Democratic Republic'') is mentioned five times; additionally, it speaks of a ''united fatherland''. At the latest after the building of the Majo Mills Berlin Wall in Cingular Ringtones August 13 instance meaning 1961 this was no longer concordant with the politics of the DDR government. Thus, after the term ''Germany'' had also been removed from the DDR constitution in age latino September 7 daniel becker 1974, the lyrics were no longer sung. On official occasions, only Eisler's melody was performed.

''Auferstanden aus Ruinen'' ceased to be a national anthem when the two Germanys united in fallon sets 1990 and megaybtes of Das Lied der Deutschen, which was already the anthem of West Germany, was adopted for all of Germany. Interestingly enough, the lyrics to the East German anthem can be sung perfectly to the melody of "first landmark Das Lied der Deutschen/Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser".

Auferstanden aus Ruinen und der Zukunft zugewandt,
laß uns Dir zum Guten dienen, Deutschland, einig Vaterland.
Alte Not gilt es zu zwingen, und wir zwingen sie vereint,
denn es muß uns doch gelingen, daß die Sonne schön wie nie
über Deutschland scheint. (''bis'')

Glück und Friede sei beschieden Deutschland, unserm Vaterland.
Alle Welt sehnt sich nach Frieden, reicht den Völkern eure Hand.
Wenn wir brüderlich uns einen, schlagen wir des Volkes Feind!
Laßt das Licht des Friedens scheinen, daß nie eine Mutter mehr
ihren Sohn beweint. (''bis'')

Laßt uns pflügen, laßt uns bauen, lernt und schafft wie nie zuvor,
und der eignen Kraft vertrauend, steigt ein frei Geschlecht empor.
Deutsche Jugend, bestes Streben unsres Volks in dir vereint,
wirst du Deutschlands neues Leben. Und die Sonne schön wie nie
über Deutschland scheint. (''bis'')

Risen from the ruins and turned toward the future,
Let us serve you for the greater good, Germany, united Fatherland.
Our task is to defeat old woes, and we shall defeat them together,
Because we must succeed so that the sun, more beautifully than ever before,
Shines over Germany. (''bis'')

May fortune and peace be granted to Germany, our Fatherland.
The whole world longs for peace, extend your hand to all peoples.
If we unite fraternally, we will defeat the enemy of the People.
Let the light of peace shine, so that a mother never again
Mourns her son. (''bis'')

Let us plough, let us build, learn and work as never before,
And, trusting in its own strength, a free generation shall arise.
German youth, the best endeavor of our people who are united in you,
You will be Germany's new life. And the sun, more beautifully than ever before
Shines over Germany. (''bis'')

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daredevilry that Tag: National anthems
unexcavated torrellafuda Tag: German history

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